This day is unusual.
Usually there is nothing I would like to watching on TV. But today I have a problem to decide what I will be watching. Look:
ČT1: Bylo nás pět, episode 1 [My favourite czech series]
ČT2: The Miracle Planet: Evolution of education
Nova: Černí baroni [Czech movie]
Prima: Hercule Poirot - Cards on the Table
I was sorry for myself because no one could go to the pub with me. Though it's Friady evening! But when I looked at the TV program, I'd changed my mind and I decided this night will be TV tonight.
(Right now I discovered there is my favourite fairy tale "About pronounce wrongly princess" on Sunday's TV program. It's well-known czech fairy tale. But unfortunately I will not see it :( )
Update 10:25PM
Everything is fine.
Excluding Jan Kraus talk show. Jan Kraus talk show is for example something like The tonight show with Jay Leno, but in Czech. Jan Kraus is jokeful. Yes. But he is egoistical and ill-mannered too. He still interrupts his guests. I mind it, because his guest are interesting people and I'm interesting what they are saying. But I don't hear them, because Jan Kraus is still blathering his wouldbe witty comments.
I'm looking forward Ally McBeal.
I've changed my mind
The two-language blog doesn't look like as good as I thought.
From now this blog is English only and here is the Czech one.
From now this blog is English only and here is the Czech one.
You can also read
I added a new feature on my blog a few weeks ago. It is on the right side of this text. It's called "You can also read". There are some articles I like in this section. They are from the blogs that are in my RSS reader.
Today I added a similar feature. It's called "You can also read II". There are an articles which are not in my RSS reader, but I like them too.
PS: The feature "You can also read" is not here because there are the articles that are in Czech language.
Today I added a similar feature. It's called "You can also read II". There are an articles which are not in my RSS reader, but I like them too.
PS: The feature "You can also read" is not here because there are the articles that are in Czech language.
Jesus dress up
Attention for tender-minded Christians: ignore this spot. Seriously.
I really didn't mean to write about it. But the Christmas collection...I can't resist anymore:
I and M. love the Elvis mask from the Superstar collection. But the others are nice too.
And by the theme, Click on the "Figury" at menu on leftside.
I really didn't mean to write about it. But the Christmas collection...I can't resist anymore:
I and M. love the Elvis mask from the Superstar collection. But the others are nice too.
And by the theme, Click on the "Figury" at menu on leftside.
Mrs. Mind the Gap

Metro: Voice of Tube sacked for spoofs
The Independent: Please, mind the gap: The people behind Britain's most iconic voices Meet Miss 'Mind the gap'
Yahoo News: London PA voice fired for slamming Tube
And so on...
By the theme, yesterday me and my collegue talked about the London Underground in the Prague metro. We both love the London Underground [and we both hate the Prague metro]. We would like to go to London and to spend the whole day in the Tube.
The collegue has a Tube map as a desktop in his computer. Of course, he was delighted when he saw my little "Underground" flashlight. I think he's going to London as early as possible. He told me he would like to buy a large paper map of London Underground there. But he has a problem: how to get a large paper map of Tube from London to his flat in Brno without any kind of damage?
PS: By the way, I love the Moscow metro too. It is as intriguing as the London Underground for me. And I have to say, the Moscow Underground has a very special and beautiful stations [some stations look a little bit scary]. Look at photos.
Four pieces of knowledge from my official journey
I'm on the official journey today.
It's early afternoon and I already have four new pieces of knowledge:
1) When I have to get up very very early in the morning [need to catch a bus] the problem is not to get up. The problem is to recognize what is the time, and to recognize that it is the time when I really have to get up.
2) Watching an american romatic comedy with Jenniffer Lopez with English subtitles is a good English practice. Especially for the English beginner as I am. But all foreign-language movies in Student Agency buses are czech dubbed, so I saw whole movie without audio.
3) I think I stay on the wrong side of the barricade in the case of EIZ [electronical information sources]. On our side we are trying to buy EIZ as low price as possible. On the other side the providers want to sell EIZ as expansive as possible. But the providers dict the conditions of business, not we do.
4) There really is a cafe with wi-fi in Prague between the Muzeum station and the Main station, the Café Amsterdam.
It's early afternoon and I already have four new pieces of knowledge:
1) When I have to get up very very early in the morning [need to catch a bus] the problem is not to get up. The problem is to recognize what is the time, and to recognize that it is the time when I really have to get up.
2) Watching an american romatic comedy with Jenniffer Lopez with English subtitles is a good English practice. Especially for the English beginner as I am. But all foreign-language movies in Student Agency buses are czech dubbed, so I saw whole movie without audio.
3) I think I stay on the wrong side of the barricade in the case of EIZ [electronical information sources]. On our side we are trying to buy EIZ as low price as possible. On the other side the providers want to sell EIZ as expansive as possible. But the providers dict the conditions of business, not we do.
4) There really is a cafe with wi-fi in Prague between the Muzeum station and the Main station, the Café Amsterdam.
I wanted to wrote about yesterday's enjoyable and funny concert. But after I started writing spots in Czech and English I'm not even able to write in Czech. :(
Me, Marťas and Geda are going to a concert tonight.
- Geda is going to the concert because her boyfriend David is going there too. As far as David will primarily be together with his friends Geda will be together with me and Marťas.
- I'm going to the concert because Geda is going. And because it is a ska concert and I like ska music.
- My boyfriend Marťas is going to the concert because he wants to look culturally. He doesn't care it's a ska concert. And not only he doesn't listen to ska music, but even [as far as I know] he doesn't like it. Once when I was listening to ska at home he asked me "what's the awe". Nevertheless he asks me "what's the awe" always when I'm listening to a music I like.
So the concert starts at 8pm. Geda, David and his friends are going to meet at 8pm too. Though not only the meeting is on the other side of the city, but even they're going to the pub at first. To the concert place they would like to come about 10pm [David said at 9pm "is too soon"].
Me, Marťas and Geda are going to meet at 9pm, but Geda already wrote me she probably won't make it. She also wrote the tickets can not be bought in advance, but at the concert place only.
I'm not sure there will be some free tickets at 9.30pm.
- Geda is going to the concert because her boyfriend David is going there too. As far as David will primarily be together with his friends Geda will be together with me and Marťas.
- I'm going to the concert because Geda is going. And because it is a ska concert and I like ska music.
- My boyfriend Marťas is going to the concert because he wants to look culturally. He doesn't care it's a ska concert. And not only he doesn't listen to ska music, but even [as far as I know] he doesn't like it. Once when I was listening to ska at home he asked me "what's the awe". Nevertheless he asks me "what's the awe" always when I'm listening to a music I like.
So the concert starts at 8pm. Geda, David and his friends are going to meet at 8pm too. Though not only the meeting is on the other side of the city, but even they're going to the pub at first. To the concert place they would like to come about 10pm [David said at 9pm "is too soon"].
Me, Marťas and Geda are going to meet at 9pm, but Geda already wrote me she probably won't make it. She also wrote the tickets can not be bought in advance, but at the concert place only.
I'm not sure there will be some free tickets at 9.30pm.
My own study hour
I have decided to write some spots in Czech and in English, too. The reason is that it's time to do something with my poor English. A few weeks ago I have started reading English book, but I think it's not enough.
I know that my English is not very good now. But this is one of my ways how to improve it. Be patient with me, please. And of course, correct my mistakes, if you would like.
I know that my English is not very good now. But this is one of my ways how to improve it. Be patient with me, please. And of course, correct my mistakes, if you would like.
My doctor Tom prescribed me a tramal for my aching jawbone. Although I ate one tramal, my jawbone still hurts. But I don't care about it and I'm very joyful now. Thanks to tramal I know what I can do with my non-drink-alcohol nature. In the pub I will be drinking orange juice with water as usual and I will take one tramal. Then I will be in the same state of mind as my friends who will be drinking snifters and beer. And thanks to tramal I will save a lot of money.
Update 1:35pm
Taking back! I hate tramal now. I'm not joyful anymore. On the contrary I'm feeling very ill. And I discovered tramal is addictive.
In that case I'm going back to ibuprofen and as soon as I'am at home, I will drink White Russian.
Update 1:35pm
Taking back! I hate tramal now. I'm not joyful anymore. On the contrary I'm feeling very ill. And I discovered tramal is addictive.
In that case I'm going back to ibuprofen and as soon as I'am at home, I will drink White Russian.
1) Some news:
A half of British people were connected to foreign wi-fi. The problem is, this is a criminal act in Great Britain.
They have a kosher mobile phones in Israel
A vicar's wife wants a part of his church
Men stop thinking when they meet a blonde
Tři sestry have a new album. It makes us happy.
2) We are going to move the kitchen unit now. My mother and K. are going to buy a new kitchen unit next week [yippee] and as a consequence we don't need to look for a kitchen unit for Dolní Morava in the future [yippee].
3) W. bought her own squash racket. It's fine, because she is not going to borrow a squash racket from M. anymore. We all are very happy. Me and W. are looking forward to our next sqash match, because every our sqash match is very funny.
4) My jawbone still hurts. It is not as too horrible as yesterday, but... I have eaten a lot of ibalgins since wednesday and now I almost have a glaring pink skin [the same color as the ibalgin has].
5) Finally it colder in Espoo than in Brno.
I'm not envious. I think it is not natural tha it is colder in Brno than in Finland.
A half of British people were connected to foreign wi-fi. The problem is, this is a criminal act in Great Britain.
They have a kosher mobile phones in Israel
A vicar's wife wants a part of his church
Men stop thinking when they meet a blonde
Tři sestry have a new album. It makes us happy.
2) We are going to move the kitchen unit now. My mother and K. are going to buy a new kitchen unit next week [yippee] and as a consequence we don't need to look for a kitchen unit for Dolní Morava in the future [yippee].
3) W. bought her own squash racket. It's fine, because she is not going to borrow a squash racket from M. anymore. We all are very happy. Me and W. are looking forward to our next sqash match, because every our sqash match is very funny.
4) My jawbone still hurts. It is not as too horrible as yesterday, but... I have eaten a lot of ibalgins since wednesday and now I almost have a glaring pink skin [the same color as the ibalgin has].
5) Finally it colder in Espoo than in Brno.
I'm not envious. I think it is not natural tha it is colder in Brno than in Finland.
Be a ganxta yeah!

If you don't laugh to gangsta and converslay you would like to be gangsta too, here you are an instruction [in Czech only].
The Hunt

Especially the song Tu Vuo' Fa L'Americano. Because I love this song performed by Jude Law and co.
We should had gone to Dolní Morava yesterday, but we stayed at home. As far as we stayed at home we and Martins' parents have a lot of food that me and Martins mother Jana cooked for all brigade-workes.
And because we are not at brigade at Dolní Morava we have a leisure this weekend. The leisure we are spending in our bed with our pets now [Acer TravelMate 8003LMi and Acer TravelMate 2493WLMi].
I think of two old PC games that I had liked to play a few years ago. I hope to find this games and play them. I think you certainly know this games too: Dynablaster and Atomic.
And because we are not at brigade at Dolní Morava we have a leisure this weekend. The leisure we are spending in our bed with our pets now [Acer TravelMate 8003LMi and Acer TravelMate 2493WLMi].
I think of two old PC games that I had liked to play a few years ago. I hope to find this games and play them. I think you certainly know this games too: Dynablaster and Atomic.

At the dentist
We have had a workshop in the central library today. I like workshops in the central library because I meet the colleagues from the others VUT libraries there. And I like it because in this workshops I discovered that my colleagues have the same problems in their libraries as I do in my library.
But this is not the main topic of this spot.
I made an appointment with my denstist a few weeks ago. Today I went there. My dentist found one little caries. This caries was on my late tooth on the left lower jawbone. Because I hate my late teeth I told my dentist to extract this tooth.
So, the dentist gave me the local anaesthetic and then she tried to extract the tooth.
It was hurts.
OK, we were waiting ten minutes for the better function of the local anaesthetic.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the second time.
The dentist gave me the second local anaesthetic.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the third time.
We were waiting next ten minutes for the better function of the local anaesthetic. The dentist with her nurse were explaining me how the local anaestetic does work and they tried to argue me the pain is not pain, but only a press.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the fourth time. I promised to not scream anymore.
The dentist gave me the third local anaesthetic. Because I was in the dental surgery an hour already, she moved me to another dental chair. On the occasion I took a book from my bag, because I didn't care to looking out of the window anymore.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the fifth time. She promised that was the last attempt. She said if that doesn't work, I have to go to surgery.
The dentis didn't care and she continued to extract the tooth.
The nurse: "the tooth is almost out of your mouth".
The nurse: "just a dab".
The nurse: "look, it's done".
The dentist: "the nurse make an appointment with you for your second caries".
Me within onesefl: "Gosh! She didn't speak about the second caries before".
But this is not the main topic of this spot.
I made an appointment with my denstist a few weeks ago. Today I went there. My dentist found one little caries. This caries was on my late tooth on the left lower jawbone. Because I hate my late teeth I told my dentist to extract this tooth.
So, the dentist gave me the local anaesthetic and then she tried to extract the tooth.
It was hurts.
OK, we were waiting ten minutes for the better function of the local anaesthetic.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the second time.
The dentist gave me the second local anaesthetic.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the third time.
We were waiting next ten minutes for the better function of the local anaesthetic. The dentist with her nurse were explaining me how the local anaestetic does work and they tried to argue me the pain is not pain, but only a press.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the fourth time. I promised to not scream anymore.
The dentist gave me the third local anaesthetic. Because I was in the dental surgery an hour already, she moved me to another dental chair. On the occasion I took a book from my bag, because I didn't care to looking out of the window anymore.
The dentist tried to extract the tooth for the fifth time. She promised that was the last attempt. She said if that doesn't work, I have to go to surgery.
The dentis didn't care and she continued to extract the tooth.
The nurse: "the tooth is almost out of your mouth".
The nurse: "just a dab".
The nurse: "look, it's done".
The dentist: "the nurse make an appointment with you for your second caries".
Me within onesefl: "Gosh! She didn't speak about the second caries before".
The public inquiry
There has been a lot of public inquiries about the New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. The Ikaros has a very nice one [Czech only]. looks like as the same as the blog of Jorge Garica. Jorge Garcia creates Hurley in Lost series. It's not just a luck.
The Cocktail

As you may know [and some of you still haven't acknowledge], I don't like alcohol a lot. And if I have no choice, I prefer alcohol in a form of cocktail. Today's afternoon we made one called "What can be found in da flat".
- a bit of Key rum
- two bits of strawberry juice
- two pieces of mandarin
Franz Ferdinand: The dark of the Matinée
The interpreter: Franz Ferdinand
The album: Franz Ferdinand [2004]
The song: The dark of the Matinée
Who likes this song, I can recommend the whole [IMHO precious] album.
The album: Franz Ferdinand [2004]
The song: The dark of the Matinée
Who likes this song, I can recommend the whole [IMHO precious] album.
About theatre, books and the series

Also, I think Stanislav Moša, the theatre director, is megalomaniac. When I was working at MdB [seven years ago], the theatre has one house, today its occupied three houses.

After Pride and Prejudice I have tried to read any else book by Leacock, but I have enjoyed it lesser than the Literary lapses.
So all the Leacock's books I have gave back to the library and five of them was unreaded. I don't like gave back unreaded books. Maybe because I'm librarian...? :)

3) I decided to do something with my poor English:
a) I have started to read Agatha Christie's Autobiography in English. The book was bought in London few years ago by myself and its time is finally comming. I'm really curious how long time I will entertaining to read not-native-language book. I like this book a lot and I have read it many times, lastly on my Russia trip this summer.

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