

Me, Marťas and Geda are going to a concert tonight.
- Geda is going to the concert because her boyfriend David is going there too. As far as David will primarily be together with his friends Geda will be together with me and Marťas.
- I'm going to the concert because Geda is going. And because it is a ska concert and I like ska music.
- My boyfriend Marťas is going to the concert because he wants to look culturally. He doesn't care it's a ska concert. And not only he doesn't listen to ska music, but even [as far as I know] he doesn't like it. Once when I was listening to ska at home he asked me "what's the awe". Nevertheless he asks me "what's the awe" always when I'm listening to a music I like.
So the concert starts at 8pm. Geda, David and his friends are going to meet at 8pm too. Though not only the meeting is on the other side of the city, but even they're going to the pub at first. To the concert place they would like to come about 10pm [David said at 9pm "is too soon"].
Me, Marťas and Geda are going to meet at 9pm, but Geda already wrote me she probably won't make it. She also wrote the tickets can not be bought in advance, but at the concert place only.
I'm not sure there will be some free tickets at 9.30pm.

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