
Which Bible Character are you?

The test

You're probably named Mary. Or John, if you're a guy. In any case, no one really remembers you.

326 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 3122 times.
11% of people had this result.

PS: other results:
Angel Gabriel
John the Babtist
Mary Magdalene
The Virgin Mary


The tapir day

Did you know about the world tapir day? It is celebrated annualy on 27th April and it has its own website.
And the tapirs has also their own blog and design!



1) it is exactly 22 years since the Chernobyl disaster. In the afternoon we heard somebody in radio as he says he was in Chernobyl and there are no dangerous places in the area. His dosimetr was probably out of order.
By the way, this quite well-known web has an upgrade version.

2) I and M. went to the Blahoslav tour as the first time I know about it [cca ten years]. The Blahoslav tour is annual trip cross the Pálava - starting in Mikulov city and ending in the village of Popice.

PS: The picture belongs to Blahoslav tour. It is shooted in Sirotčí hrádek.

PPS: And today is also the birth day of William Shakespeare and the World Intellectual Property Day and so on :)



This is the last spot writing on my current job. In that occasion I should write here something special...but what should it be? Yes. Code of Ethics of Czech Librarians :)

The Librarian
1. always uphold the basic right of the individual to information. They provide for unlimited, equal, and free access to information and information sources in library collections. They do so irrespective of political, ideological and religious views and without any censorship, save for the exceptions stipulated by legislation. However, they bear no responsibility for the consequences of the use of information obtained from documents or in the library
2. strive for broad accessibility of information contained in documents, regardless of the place of their storage,
3. provide services to users irrespective of their nationality, race, religion, gender and social status,
4. respect the rights of authors and treat their intellectual property in compliance with legislation,
5. respect the rights of users to privacy and anonymity, basing their contact with them on respect for user personalities and information needs. They protect user personal data and user activities,
6. contribute through their professional performance and loyal conduct to the goodwill of the library.
7. are aware of their affiliation to the professional community, respect colleagues from libraries of different types, keeping in close touch with them, and cooperate with colleagues from a wide network of memory institutions,
8. keep themselves well-informed with developments in their profession, striving for life-long education and professional advancement,
9. support with words and deeds those colleagues who have found themselves in difficulties due to their observance of the principles of this Code of Ethics.

Code of Ethics of Czech Librarians. Association of Library and Information Professionals [online]. , 28.12.2004 [cit. 2008-04-25]. Available from www: http://skip.nkp.cz/cokodex.htm



I have found that Unshelved has not only a
librarian strip and a blog, but it has an Unshelved store. I like these t-shirts:

Link to those who doesn't know Dewey.


About blog

To have a blog and let your friends to read it is dangerous. In this case the blog is not your privacy diary but it is going to be "res publica". Then you can't write what do you really want or what do you really think there because you can risk to make angry/hurt someone.

PS: And the RSS reader is very dangerous also. It shows the spots you have written and have deleted then!

A sentimental spot

I'm in a sentimental mood today. When it comes to me I reminisce about people I haven't seen for a long time, places I haven't been for a long time and so on.
One of these people is a man I call Jednatel. We used to meet each other a few years ago in Karlovy Vary and Ostrov. I used to go to my ex-boyfriend there. Sometime I think about that very curious is I would like to meet rather Jednatel, not my ex-boyfriend again.



Each time when I must go to the work I says to myself that I would like to be a little bit sick to just only to lay in my bed and to read books.
I'm sick for three days now and all my books are still on a bookcase because for all the three days I'm sitting in the bed with my notebook and I'm not able to stop writing, reading, and playing the very stupid game above all.

I really purposed to not switch on the notebook today BUT a paper TV program is lost. Humph. I didn't find any interesting show on online TV program anyway

So, I'm going to read now. There is some Hemingway's book in my bed table. I don't like the book a lot. Nevertheless I'm almost in the middle of he book, so I can try to finished it.



Hey, I have high body-temperature!
Great. Since I know about my fever, I feel better and my headache, neckache, bodyache and so on is not as strong as were before.


One third of a book

I finished the first part of Agatha Christie's Autobiography [the book has three parts which are split by two sets of photographies] yesterday.
Yes, I really know it isn't important for the World, but I'm really proud of it. I have read it for five months - so long time, because I didn't keep my own obligation: to read at least one page every day.
Now I have to read next 358 pages to finish the book cempletely and I should get to do it because:
1) I've got The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes as gift from my classmate Vendy
2) Vendy have brouht me two Boris Akunin books from London
I must say that I have these Akunin's books in English not to be pride oneself. Unfortunatelly Boris Akunin is not as known writer as I would like he would be in Czech republic hence I guess the Pelegia series will probably not appearance in Czech at all.
Though Albatros publishing [publisher of Akunin's Erast Fandorin series] finished the Harry Potter series finally they could start to publish the other books too.


Něžný Novgorod

Explanatory note to this spot:
Nižnij Novgorod is the city in Russia, do not change with the city of Novgorod [also Veliky Novgorod].
The word "Nižnij" sounds very simmilar as Czech word "něžný".
The word "něžný" means "affectionate" or "tender".

Since the Sto zvířat concert I think about a phrase "v něžném Novgorodu" in the Novgorod song. I would like to know what does author mean by that.

It could be:
a) paraphrase/sign/reference to Nižnij Novgorod,
b) author has been in Novgorod and he thinks it is an affectionate city,
c) author hasn't been in Novgorod or Nižnij Novgord ever, he just likes the phrase.

I don't know if Novgorod is affectionate city, nevertheless I think it is visitation-worthy city.


Dead like me series

American [I don't care] series
Black-humorous and cynical
...who was killed by Czech Television with awfull dubbing and dead showtime: Tuesdays 9:30pm on ČT2 [the lowest rating Czech TV canal].

Precious opening credits:

web page
DLM on Wikipedia

Season 1 Trailer
Season 2 Trailer

The movie:
with the Indiana Jones the most expected movie of this year
Dead Like Me Movie 2008 Teaser Trailer:


Brno Freezing

Brno has its own freezing too. I like it: