Explanatory note to this spot:
Nižnij Novgorod is the city in Russia, do not change with the city of Novgorod [also Veliky Novgorod].
The word "Nižnij" sounds very simmilar as Czech word "něžný".
The word "něžný" means "affectionate" or "tender".
Since the Sto zvířat concert I think about a phrase "v něžném Novgorodu" in the Novgorod song. I would like to know what does author mean by that.
It could be:
a) paraphrase/sign/reference to Nižnij Novgorod,
b) author has been in Novgorod and he thinks it is an affectionate city,
c) author hasn't been in Novgorod or Nižnij Novgord ever, he just likes the phrase.
I don't know if Novgorod is affectionate city, nevertheless I think it is visitation-worthy city.
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