- In spite of cloudy and windy weather I rode on bicycle to a car park under black ski slope and back in the late mornig.
- W. made long car and bicycle trip on Dlouhé stráně [a hill where is Hydro Power Plant] early morning. When she came back, We [W., her husband Šimon and I] made a trip on Hora Matky Boží [God's Mother hill] and to Králiky. The weather gets worse so we went back to vicarage early.
- We had not cought a cinema theatre today so we at least booked a bowling line for the evening.
Wednesday 18th August
Through a lot of impertinent sheperd's spiders [one of them has tried to watching movie with us] Martin and I moved to another room in late night.
Before a noon we went to Žamberk to look at some places:
- a square [and drugstore for buying Biolit to destroy spiders]
- Sv. Václav church [closed, free wi-fi]
- Žamberk brewery [closed, outside sightseeing]
- Jewish cemetrey [closed, outside sightseeing]
- Žamberk manor [reconstruction, soutside sightseeing]
- manors garden witch cache and living roe
- a Prokop Diviš birth place [closed, outside sightseeing, cache]
- Rozálka view tower
After all we wanted to continue with work on Dolní Morava restaurant guide book but it was discovered we already know all of them.
Thursday 19th August
- A coal has been brought in the morning. Fortunately this is not hand job to get the coal on a basement.
- A trip on Dlouhé stráně was on agenda today also. Today was a rainy day so we appreciated ten minutes of cloudless and sunshine sky when we were on top of Dlouhé stráně hill. The view on Jeseníky mounains was beautiful.
Then we went on Červenohorské sedlo to walk and have a lunch. I have to say the hotel and restaurant looks as in 80's when the complex was built.
On the way back we found four geocaches and saw two manors with two manor gardens and one bird box.

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